Push~Pull Show, icebox4, 20 Artists, June 6 to June 26, 53 s 11th St #4A, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY

icebox4.com Pull~Push Show opens Thursday, June 6th, 6-8pm. Inspired by Hans Hofmann and others, who taught that color and spatial illusionism should be employed for expressive purposes.
Matt Blackwell, Sue Carlson, Denise Corley, Matthew del Carmen, Gordon Fearey, Tom Fitzgibbon, Tadashi Hashimoto, Kylie Heidenheimer, Dennis Kardon, Bernard Klevickas, Jeffrey Kurland, Jonas Kyle, Laura McCallum, Bill Page, Dorthy Robinson, Mark Rosenthal, Jackie Shatz, Laurel Shute, Louise P. Sloane, Becky Yazdan
Curated by TomFitzgibbon.com #icebox4 @icebox4go
53 S 11th St, Apt 4A, Brooklyn.
Open Saturdays 3-6pm (6/8/24), other Saturdays 2-5pm or by appointment (icebox4go at gmail)
Transportation option: Take the east river ferry to south williamsburg, walk two blocksh williamsburg, brooklyn. we're about two blocks away.
Above photograph is of my work in the exhibition:
Sea Strata, 2019, paper, gouache, metallic silver, 9x12 (frame 14x18) Price 600.

icebox4.com Pull~Push Show opens Thursday, June 6th, 6-8pm. Inspired by Hans Hofmann and others, who taught that color and spatial illusionism should be employed for expressive purposes.
Matt Blackwell, Sue Carlson, Denise Corley, Matthew del Carmen, Gordon Fearey, Tom Fitzgibbon, Tadashi Hashimoto, Kylie Heidenheimer, Dennis Kardon, Bernard Klevickas, Jeffrey Kurland, Jonas Kyle, Laura McCallum, Bill Page, Dorthy Robinson, Mark Rosenthal, Jackie Shatz, Laurel Shute, Louise P. Sloane, Becky Yazdan
Curated by TomFitzgibbon.com #icebox4 @icebox4go
53 S 11th St, Apt 4A, Brooklyn.
Open Saturdays 3-6pm (6/8/24), other Saturdays 2-5pm or by appointment (icebox4go at gmail)
Transportation option: Take the east river ferry to south williamsburg, walk two blocksh williamsburg, brooklyn. we're about two blocks away.
Above photograph is of my work in the exhibition:
Sea Strata, 2019, paper, gouache, metallic silver, 9x12 (frame 14x18) Price 600.